Dissemination Phase

As every research studies begin, we all know that it goes through  different process in order to finish it. On the other hand,  we should never forget that it goes thru the process of dissemination. Dissemination phase is somehow the process of sharing research findings with a proper address of certain audience that simply explains what the stakeholders tend to imply in a research study. This phase is about appropriate widespread of information of findings thru proper ways of communication in order to have mutual undertanding towards the target audience and also the researcher. 

In addition to that, in order to fulfill proper dissemenation of findings, researchers uses tools where 3P's stands for, Posters, Presentations, and Papers. In this kind of tools, researchers are able to disseminate information properly. But before we proceed with the dissemination plan, we should also consider the different perspectives of stakeholders whom are the persons behind whom have vested their interest in the clinical decision of the  research study. Then, let us consider whom are the ultimate consumers or target of the product that is being studied or perhaps we can call them the end users.

In order  to come up with a dissemination plan, there are a lot of things to consider and these are objectives, audience, timeline, resources, strategy. Objectives ables to achieve, raise awareness and undertsanding in order to have clear thoughts on what goals are needed to meet in the said findings of the research. Next is audience, we should also consider certain people because they are the ones who need to be influenced  and they could be a patient, commissioner, clinicians and even charities. Then let us also consider the timeline. In this part, critical time points must be identified in order to utilize existing opportunities. Next would be resources, this is the part of dissemination plan where we also have to consider what funds that are needed in order to fullfil the said plan. Last but not the least, that we should take consideration of in having dissemination plan is strategy. In this part, you should also have influencers whom can convey the message that you want to imply towards your audience and it also partake the stakeholders responsibilty as they support the clinical decision. They should convey the main message thru channels in order to communicate in most efficient way where they should also involve the coverage  an potential risks and sensitivities in order to  respect each boundaries and limits of any cultural or political beliefs that one might have believed.

To sum it all, a research study is not achieved unless findings are disseminated  properly with the use of presentations or published as peer-reviewed journal where appropriate recommendations are also given. Hence, dissemination phase is well intended to give off what findings are needed to be given towards certain audience or the end users in order to fulfill what they need with the help of those stakeholders whom risked their unique perspective in terms of clinical decisions.
